Juan Pedro Ramon Bolivias

Name: Juan Pedro Ramo'n Bolivias (Friends and family call him either Juanito or Pedrito!).
Species: Skunk
Gender: Male
Date Of Birth: December 14th, 1996
Height: 1.70 m (5.57 ft)
Allegiances: Jamaila's younger brother, Purple Haze's guitar student.
Physical appeareance: Compared to his sister, Pedrito has much more black fur: the only white markings, which are relatively rather simplistic, are visible on upper muzzle, forehead, back of the head, palms of his hands, belly and internal base of the tail. They're also rather roundish, whereas his sister has more "X"-like markings. He has an average body and his most striking feature are his dreadlocks, growing up from the center of his head like a mohawk, but falling down the left side of his face: he's letting them grow long, and Jamaila often helps him keep them tidy. He's never seen without his sharktooth necklace, which is a gift from his mother, and he's often full of bandaids on his legs as he loves to skateboard... but he's rather clumsy. He has a plantigrade posture, and his hands and feet don't show any pawpads or animalistic claws.
Appeareance and outfits are summer-ish, based on ska-punk culture mixed up with raggae-culture colours and details; he may also sport some personality and outfit traits typical of the olschool-rap culture from the early 90's.
Psychological/Behavioural profile: He may want to appear daredevilish and trasgressive, but Pedrito is actually a really chill and sweet guy who's very attached to his family, especially his parents and maternal grandparents. He loves skateboarding (and would love to show some good tricks to Tunleah whenever he's in town, but unfortunately he's always too bruised from recent falls to join some skating adventure!), going to the beach and playing his classical guitar, which is a gift from his grandfather. He's currently taking guitar lessons from Purple Haze, and has a good familiar relationship with his sister, who he affictionately calls Jami. Bit of a slacker for what it concerns the studies, he still has to decide what courses he should attend at Cuna De Rios' university.
Music genres associated: Ska-Punk, 90s Funk-Hiphop.